Morrowind How To Lockpick

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If you are not an Argardion and are tring to get to the other end of Solstheim and don't want to worry about wolves, bears, or worst of all werewolves than you should start a new game and choose an Argardion as you player and you can go around the island using your Argardion's abilety to breath water. So with the grandmaster's lockpick, 40 luck and 50 agility you need 34 security to be able to pick that lock. There is a very real possibility that I screwed up something, but you have all the tools required now, so give it a try:P Besides, only you know the actual stats of your characters, I was just guessing your luck and agility.

There are few games that indulge those with an insatiable sense of curiosity like 'The Elder Scroll: Morrowind.' You're able to wander and explore the Morrowind world at your leisure, so the game is constantly rewarding your wanderlust with new treasures, quests and areas to uncover. Even locked doors and chests are no match for your curiosity. The security skill is one of many that your character can learn and develop during the game. The skill allows you to tackle any lock you see with a probe and a lockpick, leaving items previously guarded open and ripe for plunder.

Acquire a lockpick and a probe. Probes are not necessary for opening locks, but they are used to disable any traps that may be guarding the lock. Both lockpicks and probes come in a variety of qualities, starting at the apprentice's lockpick and the bent probe all the way to the grandmaster's lockpick and probe. Tools with a higher quality increase your chance of successfully disarming a trap and opening the lock. Both lockpicks and probes can be found in the game world or purchased from certain vendors, typically those located in Thieves Guild halls.

Equip the probe tool as you would a weapon. You can do this either through the inventory screen or you can assign the probe a quick item slot for easy access. Press the same key you use to draw your weapon once you have the probe equipped; the default key is 'f' on the PC. Use the probe on the locked object by pressing the attack key to attempt to remove the trap. Your chance of disarming the trap depends on your attributes, combined with your security skill and the quality of the probe.

Repeat the same process for the lockpick. Equip the lockpick from the inventory and arm it as you did the probe. Use it on the locked object in the same manner. You will be notified if your attempt succeeds or fails. You decrease the amount of times the tool can be used before it breaks each time you attempt to pick a lock, whether you're successful or not.


If you do wish to invest time into learning the security skill you can use the magic instead. Use the open spell to disable any locks and the telekinesis spell to trigger any traps from a safe distance. The more powerful the spell is, the more complex a lock it can open.


You have a no chance of opening the lock if you get the message that the lock is too complex for you. This does cause any wear on the lockpick.

Disabling traps and picking locks is considered a crime if you are witnessed. Remain hidden and out of sight when attempting to break a lock, otherwise you may be attacked or a guard may be called.


  • 'The Morrowind Prophecies: Game of the Year Edition Official Strategy Guide'; Peter Olafson; 2000

Writer Bio

C.A. Rubino has spent more than 30 years amassing an unusual educational background including a doctorate in metaphysical science, a Master of Arts in Jungian psychology and certification as a Karuna Ki/Reiki master. Currently, he writes for various publications, specializing in religion and spirituality along with topics on alternative health and computer technology.

How to get great Heavy Armor early (in Tribunal)

How to get a full set of Her Hand's Armor early and easily (in Morrowind's Tribunal expansion)

You can get this at level 1, no fighting necessary. All you need is a way to open a lvl 90 lock, such as Security skill + a good lockpick, or Alteration skill + custom «Open» spell, or enchanted item/scroll – or, if none these are available, you need a way to cast the following three spells at least once:

  • Mark
  • Recall
  • Almsivi Intervention or Divine Intervention (either will work).

You can use scrolls, enchanted items or Mysticism skill + spells. Massey ferguson 72 1231 mower deck gauge wheels.

Here's what you do:

1. Go inside Sadri Manor in Godsreach in Mournhold. Cast «Mark» inside if you can't open lvl 90 locks.

Morrowind probe

2. Talk to Alvan Llarys and Golena Sadri to get the «The Thief» quest going.

3. Alvan should ask you to go to Elbert Nermarc in the Craftsmen's Hall to find out more. Do so.

4. Return to Golena Sadri's house. Alvan Llaris will now be outside and the door will be locked (lvl 90). Talk to Llaris to move the quest along.

5. Get inside, either by opening the lock on the door, or by casting «Recall». (You may get a small bounty if you are spotted opening the lock. If so, you can pay it later. Don't worry, the guards won't take your new armor.)

Morrowind Lockpick Spell

6. There is a dead High Ordinator on the floor inside. Go help yourself to his stuff.

7. You can now either proceed with the quest (not advisable at lvl 1!) or leave with your loot. If you couldn't open the lock, you'll need to cast an Intervention spell to get out. Nv items reader writer tool. (That may be a good way to get the loot out anyway, because this stuff is HEAVY!) Zte blade g ftm mode driver version 4.0.

Be warned that talking to any Ordinator or High Ordinator while wearing Her Hand's helmet and/or cuirass will make all the Ordinators your mortal enemies for the rest of the game, so you may want to sell or stow away those two and wear another (lighter?) cuirass and helm. However, you now have an excellent, if heavy, set of Her Hand's gauntlets, pauldrons, greaves and boots, superior to everything except Daedric armor or some unique artifacts; the gauntlets, especially, have a massive 50 enchantment points each that you can use as you please. (Tip: Fortify Strength is a good way to be able to carry this heavy stuff!) The shield isn't quite as good as the rest, but it still has nearly as high armor rating as an Ebony Shield at about half its weight (and it's still Heavy Armor).

Morrowind Lockpick Cheat


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